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Payment Methods

Payment methods supported by the Urdolls store

MasterCard is committed to providing a more convenient and efficient financial payment environment for consumers around the world.
MasterCard Payment sex dolls

Visa protects the security of the payment environment, effectively monitors, identifies and prevents fraud through technology and best practices, and protects transaction data to provide customers with secure and reliable mass transaction processing (authorization, clearing and settlement) and value-added services.
VISA Payment sex doll

1、Choose custom details.

2、After selecting the customization option, click Add To Card.

3、Go to the Shopping Cart, confirm the information and click Check Out.

4、Please fill in your address information accurately (filling in the wrong country, region, or postal code may result in inaccessibility to the next step). Click on Proceed To Order Review after confirmation. Please be assured that all your information is just for the love doll to reach you safely. We guarantee that it will not be disclosed or used for commercial purposes.

5、Click on Proceed To Payment after confirmation.

6、Choose the payment method that suits you. Then click Submit Order.

7、Please confirm your order and complete the payment. (If there is a payment failure, please try a few times or choose another payment method provided by us. If you still can't solve your problem, please contact us at, We will reply you within 24 hours)